Your skills are the most charitable donation you can make.
“Unless government, funders and nonprofit leaders take immediate and decisive action to help nonprofits during the coronavirus outbreak, many nonprofits around the nation may just disappear over the next few months leaving those they serve and employ in disastrous circumstances.” – John MacIntosh, SeaChange Capital Partners

Networking and Community
Charity Makeover brings together a unique group of knowledge workers all interested in making a lasting impact on the world. Now more than ever help is needed from the nonprofits dealing with the fallout of COVID-19.

New Skill Development
You’ll meet incredible people from diverse background who form cross-functional teams to tackle challenges for non-profits. As a byproduct of this coordinated effort you’ll learn how to work with people from other disciplines and cultures.

Nature's natural immune booster
Instead of binge watching news of doom & gloom and generating a cortisol response which degrades our immune function, we focus our energy on constructive activities that benefit needy organizations and in so doing improve our natural immune function.
What We Do
Charity Makeover is a movement of knowledge workers who come together to fundamentally change the game for organizations in need. We have traditionally run in-person hackathon events but we have rapidly retooled our platform to respond to the immediate challenges threatening local charities in need during this crisis.
Our Story
We started in 2013 in Phoenix, AZ as a weekend hobby to test the idea that we could become a force multiplier for local charities.
After a number of successful in-person events, Charity Makeover has morphed to using a mobile application to coordinate its members in distributed micro collaborations. We have the playbook to strategize, team up, and execute virtual help for nonprofits poised to do great things.
How much good can be done in a day?
Our mobile app enables us to screen and prepare charities, extract challenges, pair them up with project managers who devise strategies, recruit teams with the necessary skill sets who then execute the necessary deliverables to change the outcome for these charities.
This focused, facilitated, time-boxed experience pushes this virtual team beyond their perceived limitations and yields impressive individual and team transformation in days instead of months.

Do good, from home
While there is no substitute for the energy of being in the room for an in-person Charity Makeover hackathon, we are now faced with a new normal and have adapted accordingly. The Charity Makeover process and technology platform enables a powerful community experience and the vibe of working physically alongside others.
Lasting Social Impact
We curate a lineup of organizations that are impacted most by COVID-19 and current challenges.
In the course of solving marketing challenges and operational inefficiencies for these non-profits, volunteers get a rewarding & unforgettable experience and the charities get immense value.
We have implemented marketing campaigns, creative fundraising drives, crowd-funding platforms and custom mobile applications that provide immeasurable value to these nonprofits.

Giving back feels good
If you’re interested in helping, you’re eligible to apply.
We construct teams of developers, designers, copywriters, project managers, SEO/SEM and UX/UI experts depending on the needs of the charities and projects.
Recent Charities
Meet the causes we’ve supported recently. All our events are custom-tailored based on the charities’ needs and our volunteers’ expertise.
A sanctuary for orphaned monkeys from the black market pet trade.
Website, Social Medias, Custom Donation Platform
SEEDs for Autism
Vocational training and social development for young adults with autism.
Custom Automated Donation Outreach
Nominate the next charity
We’re always looking for the next amazing small, under-staffed and under-marketed non-profit to serve. We help the little guy who is poised to do great things but currently held back due to lack of resources.
The Lisbon Project
Migrants and refugee integration program in the city of Lisbon.
New Website, SEO & Marketing Strategy
A grassroots volunteer weekly effort to feed and clothe the homeless of Barcelona, Spain.
Mobile App
El Hogar Animal Sanctuary
Refuge for orphaned and rescued animals and advocate for animal rights.
CRM and Email Automation Marketing & SEO Strategy
The program is amazing because you connect with a bunch of people from different backgrounds which is interesting because you can re-skill and learn something that is a bit outside of your field. And I really like this idea of helping these associations.
It’s amazing what we accomplished in one day with Charity Makeover. Seeing the Charity’s faces when we delivered our days’ work and knowing what an impact we’ve made…. it’s absolutely incredible.
Common Questions
What sort of technical skills are learned?
We’re big into automation and doing more with small teams. We spend a lot of time developing customized solutions to reduce workload for the charities. Typically these fall into: Marketing Strategy (Social Media / SEO / Content), Sales Automation, CRM Implementation, custom developed softwares and applications.
How do I participate?
Launch the mobile-friendly web application, pick a cause you want to support and apply for the project via the app.
Can I nominate a charity?
Absolutely! We created the Problemattic platform and made it open-ended so that anyone can propose a problem and nominate a solution. If you know a worthy non-profit feel free to submit them via the app. You just need to create your account before you get the ability to propose a charity.
What is the relationship of Problemattic to Charity Makeover?
Problemattic is a platform we designed to coordinate our volunteers, project managers, sponsors, charity founders and clans. Charity Makoever is a source of talent and one clan of volunteers for the Problemattic ecosystem but anyone can use Problmattic and bring it to his/her organization to be used as a tool for coordinating volunteer efforts.
What sort of technical skills are needed?
An eagerness to positively contribute is all that’s needed. Having a certain level of technical expertise is appreciated (e.g. Developer, Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Design), but we will customize the solutions delivered to these charities based on the skills of the team. If you’re eager to give back and contribute, you can help.
Is there a cost associated with participation?
No we will always keep participation free for volunteers. We are exploring revenue models that would work akin to fundraising drives wherein we give the volunteers tools to recruit pledges from their networks. Likewise we are trying to keep participation free for charities but are exploring ways in which charities stake funds that are matched by volunteer supporters.
Make A Difference, While Social Distancing.
These Organiziations need your help.