Team building with social impact

Is your organization struggling with cross-departmental communication, employee satisfaction, employee retention, project velocity and employee new skill acquisition? How about meeting your corporate social responsibility objectives? Charity Makeover addresses these issues and more while supporting your local community’s social causes in the process.

Unlike other team-building exercises Charity Makeover…

Bridges departmental divides

Employees of different skill sets and departments form cross-functional teams to tackle challenges for local non-profits. This cross training leads to new skills acquisition, “creative collisions” with unlikely interactions foster team coherence, empathy and…

Boosts employee satisfaction

Dan Pink says a major cause of reduced employee satisfaction is losing Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. In Charity Makeover participants cultivate a sense of all three working directly with charity founders and contributing their unique skills to the success of a worthy cause. 

Leaves lasting impact for your local community

The Charity Makeover experience yields more than team building. Your most valuable asset is your employees. What greater way to meet your corporate social responsibility objectives than to donate your employees’ talents to improving how local charities function? 

What We Do

Charity Makeover is a hackathon-style event in which we come together to fundamentally change the game for a handful of local charities. We have developed a system to Identify, vet and execute high-leverage projects in a single day that significantly advance a charity’s cause.

Our Story

We started in 2013 in Phoenix, AZ as a weekend hobby to test the idea that we could become a force multiplier for local charities.

After a number of successful events, Charity Makeover now has a growing Corporate Charity Makeover Offering. These events are a CSR dream: infusing Team-building, New Skill Development, and increasing Employee Satisfaction; all while applying volunteers’ unique gift as the best charitable contribution they can make.

Accelerated development

Tasked with executing game-changing improvements for a charity in a 2-day window, the stakes are high. Teams are formed, briefed and tasked with projects and then coached to achieve the (nearly) impossible.

This focused, facilitated, time-boxed experience pushes employees beyond their perceived limitations and yields impressive individual and team transformation in days instead of months.

Bonded teams

Allistair Cockburn in his seminal work “Agile” explains the compounding returns from achieving congruence in team alignment. There is no more effective way to galvanize a group into a team than to navigate a novel, shared challenge successfully together. What “escape rooms” provide, Charity Makeover delivers 1000x.   

Local Social Impact

This unique method of team building has a beneficial byproduct in the form of advancing local causes. We curate a lineup of local charities that have missions consistent with the values of your organization and facilitate a powerful learning experience for all.

In the course of solving marketing challenges and operational inefficiencies for these non-profits your employees get a rewarding & unforgettable experience and the charities get immense value. And because the charities operate in your backyard your local community benefits.

Schedule a free consultation

Tell us about your challenges and objectives and our team will assess your situation and custom-formulate a Charity Makeover experience that helps you meet your goals.


contact us

Recent Charities

Meet the causes we’ve supported recently. We can provide pre-vetted Non-Profits for the experience or we can work with you to build a custom line-up of ones you choose. All our events are custom-tailored based on the charities’ needs and our volunteers’ expertise.


A sanctuary for orphaned monkeys from the black market pet trade.


Website, Social Medias, Custom Donation Platform

SEEDs for Autism

Vocational training and social development for young adults with autism.


Custom Automated Donation Outreach

Nominate the next charity

We’re always looking for the next amazing small, under-staffed and under-marketed non-profit to serve. We help the little guy who is poised to do great things but currently held back due to lack of resources.

The Lisbon Project

Migrants and refugee integration program in the city of Lisbon.


New Website, SEO & Marketing Strategy


A grassroots volunteer weekly effort to feed and clothe the homeless of Barcelona, Spain.


Mobile App

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary

Refuge for orphaned and rescued animals and advocate for animal rights.


CRM and Email Automation Marketing & SEO Strategy

The program is amazing because you connect with a bunch of people from different backgrounds which is interesting because you can re-skill and learn something that is a bit outside of your field. And I really like this idea of helping these associations.  

Irene P

Participant, Lisbon

It’s amazing what we accomplished in one day with Charity Makeover. Seeing the Charity’s faces when we delivered our days’ work and knowing what an impact we’ve made…. it’s absolutely incredible.


CEO & Executive Director, TAG Labs

Common  Questions

How many employees can participate?

 Every Charity Makeover event is custom. We have a facilitation team adequately sized for the situation. Events typically consist of 3-5 charities and approximately 30 team members at a time. We always supplement our team with support staff as well as with experienced mentors to provide guidance & support during the event itself.

What sort of technical skills are learned?

We’re big into automation and doing more with small teams. We spend a lot of time developing customized solutions to reduce workload for the charities. Typically these fall into: Marketing Strategy (Social Media / SEO / Content), Sales Automation, CRM Implementation, custom developed softwares and applications.

What is the format of the events?

You let us know the date, number of employees and rough skill sets. We’ll do the rest. We have a virtual meet & greet and strategy session before the big day, but all you need to do is get your employees to participate.

Where do you do corporate events?

We bring the event to you! We’re a team of location-independent entrepreneurs and we love to make an impact. Sign up and have a Charity Makeover in your backyard, we’d love to come visit.

How long do the events normally last?

Charity Makeover is a one day event. We have a virtual meet & greet and strategy session before the big day to ensure that everyone knows who the team leaders are, who is behind the charities, and what improvements / priorities are set for the event.

What sort of technical skills are needed?

An eagerness to positively contribute is all that’s needed. Having a certain level of technical expertise is appreciated, but we will customize the solutions delivered to these charities based on the skills of the team.

How much does a Corporate event cost?

As every event is customized, the cost will vary. We want to create a magical experience for you and your team. Book a free consultation to get a quote for an event that meets your objectives today.

Past Event Sponsors

Inspire the Change Today

Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation to get a quote and take the first step to transforming your organization and surrounding community.


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News & Updates

Some recent wins and announcing Problemattic

Some recent wins and announcing Problemattic

It's been admittedly quiet on this blog but plenty has been happening in the background. Here are a few key updates:  Esperanca, the grassroots organization we've supported via our past three events, finally launched the progressive web app we built for them. It...

Sean’s talk at the Future of Work conference

Sean’s talk at the Future of Work conference

Huge thanks to Goncalo Hall and Joao Mendes for the opportunity to present at the Future of Work conference this weekend. With their permission I've published a recording of my talk to our YouTube channel and embedded it below to share it with people who weren't able...

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