Mark your calendar: April 5th 10am at Co+Hoots is the next Charity Makeover. RSVP using the widget on the right.

It’s been crazy busy the past few weeks. We launched the project we’ve been working on for SEEDs for Autism which is essentially a scholarship program that allows donors to make small, sustaining donations to subsidize the cost of tuition for their students.

Our original thought was to do these events as a series of three Saturdays, once per month all back-to-back and then move on serially to the next charity we want to help. What we’ve come to realize is that we’re not ready to kick SEEDs out of the nest yet and there’s enough volunteer interest here to tackle multiple charities at the same event.

Sooooo… in the spirit of how Startup Weekend evolved from being 130 people working on one idea (yea, crazy I know) we’re cleaving into two groups for this next one happening on April 5th.

Tumbleweed is the next charity we’re adding to the mix. I had the opporutnity to pow-wow with their staff recently and we came up with the brain dump below. I’ll be translating these chicken scratchings into a more legible & actionable list of todo’s and setting up a Trello board for the project shortly. If you’re not already subscribed to our volunteer notification list add yourself now and I’ll fill you in on updates as we near the event.



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