Huge thanks to Goncalo Hall and Joao Mendes for the opportunity to present at the Future of Work conference this weekend. With their permission I’ve published a recording of my talk to our YouTube channel and embedded it below to share it with people who weren’t able to attend live:

This talk explains:

  • High-level goals of the project
  • Our “why” and goal of enabling knowledge workers a way to plug-in, work together and give back by donating their unique skills 
  • Stories on three of the causes we’ve helped and the impact we’ve had for them
  • A look at our process and tech stack
  • How we’ve adapted thus far to pivot from physical to virtual events
  • Where we’re taking things from here to layer in a revenue model and restore some of the in-person magic while respecting social distancing protocols
  • 5 key takeaway lessons extracted from the experience of building CM 

We had some interesting Q&A at the end. Slides and other goodies are available for download here. You can opt to volunteer as well as receive other comms from Sean. 

There were a total of 33 talks (!!) at this virtual conference spanning topics of entrepreneurship, remote work, freelancing and social impact.  You can find the complete topic list and access to all the replays here. Topics range from:

  • how to grow your freelancing business
  • optimizing your taxes as a nomad
  • getting your first 1k Tiktok followers
  • tips for building a 6-figure digital agency
  • strategies for finding a remote job
  • running a drop shipping business 
  • techniques for managing your energy
  • starting your newsletter in under an hour
  • running a successful affiliate program 
  • and more

They have affordable options for accessing blocks of talks starting at $30 for five talks. 

If you’re not yet signed up as a volunteer with us join here and we’ll help get you slotted on a team before our next event. 

And if you want to be one of our first 100 backers pre-launch of the new platform we’re building we’d love to have you. See here for details