About Charity Makeover
Charity Makeover is a grassroots movement of doers around the world organizing hackathons in which we come together for one day to fundamentally change the game for local charities.

We mobilize knowledge workers around the globe for good.
What Habitat for Humanity did for house building we are doing with digital assets for charities. We Identify, vet and execute high-leverage projects that get implemented in the course of a weekend to significantly advance the causes of local charities.
Our Story
How We Got Started
Charity Makeover was started in 2013 in Phoenix, AZ as a weekend hobby to test the idea that we could become a force multiplier for local charities.
Where We Are Now
After a number of successful events, Charity Makeover now has deployed a platform which enables anyone to host an event in his or her city. We also now offer a Corporate Charity Makeover Team Building experience. These events are a CSR dream: infusing Team-building, New Skill Development, and increasing Employee Satisfaction; all while applying volunteers’ unique gift as the best charitable contribution they can make.
Learn More
We’d love to chat. We are always looking for passionate people to join our causes.
Our mission is to solve the problems that governments and corporations can’t or won’t.
We envision a world where individuals can plug in and contribute their unique talents towards solving issues aligned with their own values and where companies can support those individuals with software donations and event sponsorships irrespective of geographical borders. We believe the best way to address these societal issues is not by attacking them from scratch but by channeling our energy into amplifying the efforts of the small, scrappy .orgs already working tirelessly to address these issues at a local, tactical level.
The genius in every individual that is the unique culmination of a lifetime of experiences.
That our unique talents when applied properly are more valuable than any monetary contribution we can make.
That a team operating under the right conditions can accomplish seemingly-impossible feats in a short period of time and is vastly more valuable than the sum of its parts.
The capacity of small group of committed, empowered individuals to overcome any conceivable obstacle.
The flywheel effect that’s possible when processes and systems enable handoffs amongst volunteer teams over time.
Incremental and steady improvements to our systems and processes themselves via devoting a portion of our energy towards ongoing improvement.
The value of the assets we develop only insofar as they are ultimately utilized by their beneficiaries and generate positive outcomes.
Tim O'Reilly says:
“Pursue something so important that even if you fail, the world is better off with you having tried.”
We’ve worked with some amazing charities
We’re always looking for the next amazing small, under-staffed and under-marketed non-profit to serve. We help the little guy who is poised to do great things but currently held back due to lack of resources. If you know a worthy local non-profit who fits this profile and would be receptive to working with us, please let us know!

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We’d love to hear from you.