We’re honored to be working with Nomads Giving Back to bring you our next event in Bali. We’re supporting some awesome causes – a few past charities we’ve worked with and a few new local Balinese ones. Here they are in no particular order:

East Bali Poverty Project

Website: https://www.eastbalipovertyproject.org/
Mission: Help the thousands of people living in abject poverty without water, sanitation, roads, schools, health facilities and electricity in East Bali.
Backstory: They have done over 20 years of service helping remote villages in Bali get sanitation facilities, clean water and education for young kids. They’ve been entirely propelled through donations and have made a huge impact thus far. They’ve had some challenges with losing some key donors recently and are hitting fundraising challenges to continue their good work.
What we’re doing about it: We think there’s opportunity to copy the playbook we used for Proyecto Caraya and implement a crowdfunding system that will enable donors to sponsor children in need of tuition as well as families in need of toilets. The skills we need are PHP development, ideally someone familiar with the IgnitionDeck crowdfunding platform, a designer, copywriter, photographer and potentially videographer. Learn more about them via this video.

DIY Foundation

Website: https://diyacademy.org/
Mission: Developing independent youth in Indonesia
Backstory: They’re seeking to develop technical skills in Bali youth with the goal of weaning Bali off dependence on tourism as its primary source of income. They have a hybrid approach of a non-profit which is subsidized by a for-profit organization. Their main office is in Jakarta and historically the Bali youth market has not been receptive to learning these skills.
What we’re doing about it: We’re envisioning a public outreach campaign we can run to win the hearts and minds of Bali youth and get them inspired to want this tech skills training to improve their future. We’re also investigating options for systemic changes we could implement that would bolster their for-profit efforts as doing so would help to make them more sustainable in their non-profit efforts. Skills needed on this one are anyone who has experience conducting public educational / inspirational campaigns online and offline, business folks who can analyze their for-profit endeavor to find weakspots that we can improve and any skilled marketing people contingent upon what that analysis yields.

Esperança – Helping the Homeless

Website: https://www.facebook.com/esperanca.bcn/
Mission: Distribute donated food & basic needs items to homeless in Barcelona.
Backstory: They’ve been preparing food and handing it out along with other items like clothing, toiletries, etc weekly for six years in Barcelona. This is an entirely volunteer distributed decentralized organization organized via Facebook and Google Sheets that coordinate the pickup and distribution of food and items to homeless individuals living on the street.
Current blockage: there is a ton of organizational overhead associated with tracking what roles are unfilled and in need of volunteers each week, where the food is coming from, how it’s getting delivered, who is running which shifts, etc. Aside from exhausting all the free time of the leaders coordinating the efforts, it yields scenarios where teams are understaffed while some prospective volunteers never realize there’s an unserved need.
What we’re doing about it: We believe there’s opportunity to remove some of the administrative burden here and smooth out the attendance as well by implementing a simple volunteer recruitment app that automatically solicits volunteers from their pool of 5000 members and assembles teams weekly, enables volunteers to claim tasks and handles notifying everyone of event logistics. This should reduce stress of managing the process and potentially enable new routes to be run with the existing volunteer base.
Who we need: a strong Adalo developer, a UX/UI designer, ideally someone with experience in MixPanel working with customer journies for handling intelligent, cross-medium alerts. Copywriters are always useful. This is the proof of concept app we started for them.

Lisbon Project

Website: LisbonProject.org
Mission: Help protect and integrate refugees and migrants in Lisbon.
Backstory: They’ve been around for 2+ years and aim to supplement the governmental efforts for aiding refugees by providing the missing community response portion.
Current blockage: They recently succeeded in getting their van (yay) but are struggling to make updates to their Weebly website and also looking for help better telling the story of their donation/sponsor program.
What we’re doing about it: This will be the first ever dual-city Charity Makeover (Lisbon & Barcelona running concurrently). Lisbon team will be building upon what we started with the sponsorship kit and fundraising initiative. Barcelona team will be porting their Weebly website to WordPress and working to put together an animated piece to explain these programs.
Who we need: Volunteer-wise Lisbon team could use general help, copywriting and anyone who has done fundraising in the past. Barcelona team could use copy writers, an animator or graphic designer who has created motion graphics before and anyone proficient with WordPress to assist with the migration from Weebly.

Proyecto Caraya

Website: Caraya.org
Mission: recover, rehabilitate and repatriate orphaned howler monkeys displaced by the blackmarket pet trade in Argentina.
Backstory: they’ve been in operation for 25 years as a family-run nonprofit and currently house 120+ monkeys. They’re entirely volunteer-based and donation-funded and seeking to acquire land in northern Argentina to be able to release the rehabilitated monkeys into the wild in a safe environment.
Current blockage: they have no in-house technical expertise and while we were able to implement a website, CRM, accounting package and crowdfunding platform for them in our last effort, they get little traffic and donations currently.
What we’re doing about it: We see an opportunity to jumpstart their visibility and fundraising efforts by executing a competitive donation drive contest across the alumni network of the Remote Year program.
Who we need: PHP developer with MySQL experience for implementing the necessary tracking and leaderboard to facilitate the contest, copy writer, UX/UI designer to polish the contest donor experience, ideally an ActiveCampaign CRM automation expert to wire up sensible followup sequences and create a viral element to the contest.

What you’ll get by participating

  • Meet fellow badasses You’ll work in a team along-side other brilliant people who have skill sets peripheral to your own. You’ll be mixing with a variety of interesting professionals who all bring a unique background of expertise and experience.
  • Learn new skills You will likely get exposed to some novel ideas and even pick up a few new useful skills over the course of the weekend. This is your opportunity to put what you know to work for a good cause but also to absorb the knowledge of others who are doing the same.
  • Fulfillment You’ll see first-hand the fruits of your labor and the gratitude of the charities we’re helping when we present the final product on Sunday evening. Rarely do we get to deliver a functional finished project in such short order and be able to hug the beneficiary of our efforts.
  • Resumé material Bolster your CV by listing the fact that you participated in this pro-bono volunteer experience. Employers love seeing applicants who contribute and go the extra mile for personal betterment via events like Charity Makeover.
  • Free food and various goodies Meals will be provided throughout the weekend. We also have some freebie giveaways from sponsors and there’s occasionally even been a surprise visit from standout business mentors in the local community.

Update 3/9/20: Signups for the Bali event are now closed and we’re at capacity taking waitlist signups only at this point. Here is the recording of our call this evening (thanks to all volunteers, team leaders and charities who attended):

If you didn’t make it into this event and you want to be notified of future ones please add your email at the bottom of our homepage to be kept in the loop.

Special thanks to our sponsors who make this event possible:

ActiveCampaign donated an instance of their CRM software to help streamline the process for volunteer intake and communications for Proyecto Caraya.

Reply donated a license of their email outreach software to facilitate a corporate outreach effort SEEDs for Autism.

GiveWP donated a license of their donations management platform to be used by a yet-to-be-determined entity to facilitate recurring donations.

Ignition Deck donated a license of their crowdfunding software that enabled us to build & deploy Proyecto Caraya’s fundraising system.

Pagely donates the managed WordPress hosting that serves the assets we build for various charities like Proyecto Caraya and Lisbon Project.

DeployBot donated a subscription of their software to enable us to integrate Github for source control on Proyecto Caraya with our hosting at Pagely.

SafetyWing is buying dinner for all our participants and provides convenient and affordable travel medical insurance for location-independent workers and global travelers everywhere.